He and She - Part 5

The office was well furnished. The junior employees had their work stations in cubicles whereas the seniors had it in their cabins. Whe was She’s buddy and a senior.

She: May I come in m’aam?

Whe: Come in.

She: I’m sorry m’aam. I won’t repeat it next time.

Whe: Sorry for what?

She: I didn’t inform you?

Whe: No. That’s not what I called you for? Booz sir gave you a file to go through, right?

She: Ya, Veez Enterprises’ file.

Whe: I know. I want you to give that file to me. I spoke to Booz sir. Here take this file on “Loan Processing.” Study it. And if you face any difficulty, ask me.

She: Ok m’aam.

Whe: You may go now. Start working on this project. All the best to you.

The phone rings. It’s She’s mobile phone. ‘He calling…..’

Whe: We’re in office. I suggest you not to entertain yourself during office hours. After 5, you can do whatever you want to; go wherever you want to; it’s your life. But during office hours, you need to be disciplined. Ok. Is that clear?

She: Yes m’aam.

Just as when She starts to move out, Whe’s cell phone rings. Whe answers the call and starts talking to her friend. Whe speaks in a flirtatious tone. Hearing it, She turns around but is only able to get a stern look from Whe to move out of the cabin.

She comes back to her work station and tries to forget ‘Whe bullying her in the cabin.’ She tells herself that I have come to work here. Let me concentrate on work and ignore other unimportant things. It’s a part of life.

to be continued……….


Anonymous said... 25 January 2008 at 7:49 am  

Hi Jai,

Just popped in to convey that this blog is too gud, i really want to read the remaining part of the story, so....when ru scrapng in the part 6 :)))

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